
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Direct Correlation Between the Chaos in My Head and in My House

If you’ve been reading my recent posts, you know we adopted a pound puppy. Things have been a little chaotic around here. I’ve never had a puppy. I’ve had loads of kittens in my life. Absolutely no different, really, except that in some regard dogs are smarter than cats. Sort of. It’s been fourteen years since we had kittens in the house and ten years since we had a human baby. I’m seriously out of practice with younglings. And there’s laundry in need of folding on my sofa.

Not only is there a wee dog around, The Captain and I participated in The Boy’s school’s annual Chili and Pie Cook Off last Friday night. The Captain started making his chili two days in advance by smoking short ribs so he could then boil them for the stock. I had to get him out of the kitchen in enough time to bake my Dutch Apple pie. In the meantime, the kitchen floor was so nasty I couldn’t move forward without cleaning it. Neighborhood kiddos were in and out – and loud! And there’s more laundry in need of folding on my sofa. (The Captain took second place! My pie didn't place... :( )

Saturday, The Boy and The Captain went on a bike ride to Yountville and back. My mom and I drove to Walnut Creek to get my computer back from the Apple Store. I dislike driving that far. I do it often but it stresses me out, especially when parking is difficult. We set out for this seemingly simple task unaware of Nordstrom’s annual women sale, Macy’s one-day sale, and some other type of event tent was set up not two blocks away. There wasn’t a parking place to be had, not even the valet parking was available. We finally found a strip mall with a coffee house where we parked and bought coffee to legitimize our space. I schlepped the bulky, awkward iMac box to the Apple Store, checked out, left my mother with the computer, and trekked back to the car. Upon arriving at the Apple Store’s convenient loading zone, I was dismayed to find both spaces taken but my mother flagged me down so I double-parked and the Apple Store staffer put the computer in my car. Poor mom was in a bad way because one of the spaces was being used as a parking space instead of a loading zone and she’d had an altercation with the driver regarding my arrival, etc. Thank God there was no traffic on the way home. And there’s a growing pile of laundry in need of folding on my sofa.

Sunday, The Captain went on one of his four hour bike rides to Glen Ellen over Mount Veeder. His long rides scare me because I'm not at all confident on a bike and we hear of far too many accidents. Looking back, I can’t remember what I was up to but I know I was busy the entire time he was gone. As soon as he returned, we started prepping for Rocket Day for Cub Scouts. The event was really fun. I love watching the kids launching the rockets. I like to do it too but somehow I’m low on the totem pole. The weather could not have been better. But I came home to all that laundry in need of folding on my sofa.

Monday was another pie baking day. I tried a new Pumpkin Pie recipe from Cook’s Illustrated. While not terribly complicated, it was far more involved than any other pumpkin pie I’ve made in my life. Lots of hurry up and wait time involved. Three pies took five hours to make and get out of the oven. I am reluctant to use a new recipe in case they don’t turn out well, which turned out NOT to be the case (oh, so good) but I didn’t know that. Could I have spent that down time folding the now foothill size mound of laundry? Yes. However, have I mentioned we just adopted a puppy? He needed someone to play with. Then there’s the dishes that kept piling up due to The Captain vying for stove space making his chicken soup to take to work this week. In the late afternoon, The Boy and I took off for his jui jitsu class so I had a bit of reading time but no productive time.

That evening I took my three pumpkin pies to a PEO meeting. It was unusual that the hostess was asked to serve several of our members dinner as well; therefore, there were dishes to be done. As co-hostess, and that the hostess is a still spry but ninety year old dear heart, I couldn’t help myself but to apron up and do the washing up before the meeting. Then there were the dishes after dessert was served. Mom stayed to help with those. And still I came home to all that laundry in need of folding on my sofa.

Today is Tuesday. I’ve been busy… Busy repairing my cracked, dishpan hands and ignoring the laundry – that is getting folded tomorrow. Ugh. I decided to add a video (such as it is) of The Boy meeting Barklay for the first time instead of the laundry (which you can see a bit). I don't wanna look at it so why would you? :) (It's folded, by the way.)

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